Nelly, an actor/rapper most famous for the song “Hot in Herre,” is facing a $2.4 million tax lien from the IRS. The hefty sum arises from unpaid taxes in 2013, and TMZ reports that the IRS could seize his assets and property if he doesn’t get the funds together. His fans, however, are doing what they can to take the heat off him by vowing to stream his biggest hit 24 hours a day on Spotify.

However, according to Spin, the Swedish streaming company said recently that the per-stream payout for artists averages between 0.6 cents and 0.84 cents. If “Hot in Herre” is lucky enough to land on the greater end of that spectrum, Nelly would still need to receive 287,176,547 streams of the song in order to make a sizable contribution to his tax woes. Label and publishing royalties aren’t included in that number, so fans might want to step up the streaming.


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