Founded in 2011, Seattle-based A Place For Rover Inc. connects pet owners — Rover prefers the phrasing “pet parents” — with people who can provide services like pet sitting and dog walking. Rover estimates that about 92 percent of the U.S. population lives within a short drive of the more than 65,000 sitters who have signed up. Recently, the company announced a $40 million round of financing led by the venture-capital firms Foundry Group and Menlo Ventures. John Lapham says the company is mulling an initial public offering but there’s no set timetable.


Lapham is the first and only in-house lawyer at the fast-growing company. He works closely with a legal manager, who worked with him at Getty Images for about 10 years. Rover may soon bring on another in-house lawyer, Lapham said. The small team is a change of pace compared to Getty, where Lapham led a 25-person team spread over four countries. But Lapham said he doesn’t mind it.

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