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September 13, 2004 | National Law Journal

Deranged by Duplication?

The world of "reply all," "forward," and "blind copy" has created a nightmarish mess of electronic duplications and added layers of complexity to the discovery process. Lawyers need some system to clean this up.
6 minute read
February 05, 2007 | National Law Journal

How We Fight: The President Properly Commands the War on Terror

While the 2006 midterm elections have emboldened critics of the war on terrorism, John Yoo begs to differ. He says gutting the Military Commissions Act of 2006 would be a mistake — especially if the Supreme Court sticks its nose in again.
9 minute read
June 16, 2003 | National Law Journal

Thomas Green

Thomas Green of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood.
3 minute read
March 18, 2002 | National Law Journal

Life Terms In Gang Cases Thrown Out

Ten years after being indicted and eight years after being convicted and given life sentences, four members of one of D.C.`s most notorious gangs are given drastically reduced sentences because of the misconduct of the lead prosecutor in the case.
8 minute read
March 25, 2002 | National Law Journal

Indian Trust Suit Takes Toll at Interior

The mammoth Indian trust case is taking a toll at Justice and Interior: Some employees are refusing to work on the matter and others are taking out personal liability insurance for fear of being held in contempt.
8 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book New Jersey Business Litigation 2025 Authors: Paul A. Rowe, Andrea J. Sullivan View this Book

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June 24, 2002 | National Law Journal

Key Rulings on Death Penalty, Free Speech

The penultimate week of the Supreme Court`s 2001-02 term has seen a number of significant rulings.
16 minute read
January 21, 2003 | National Law Journal

In Brief

2 minute read
February 03, 2003 | National Law Journal

Bruce v. Bluenoses

Lenny Bruce chose his words carefully -- if not always wisely. The comic was deadly serious about the First Amendment. A review of "The Trials of Lenny Bruce."
5 minute read
October 07, 2002 | National Law Journal

Conference Call

4 minute read
February 03, 2003 | National Law Journal

Money Talks: It's Different for Owners

New equity partners would do well to recall the old adage: Be careful what you wish for -- you just might get it. Partnership is the star that law firm lawyers shoot for, and although your income will no doubt rise considerably in the first year of partnership, some financial realities associated with your new status will make it seem, at times, as if your resources are actually reduced.
7 minute read
