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Job Bias Case Tests Religious Privacy Rights
A job discrimination case in the U.S. District Court in D.C. against the Washington Times raises for tough issues regarding the freedom of religion.Clerks Follow New Path to High Court
It's the time-honored path for incoming U.S. Supreme Court law clerks: First they clerk for a top-notch federal appeals court judge, then they immediately proceed to their prestigious positions at the Supreme Court. Not anymore. A dramatically increasing number of high court clerks are spending time at a top law firm or elsewhere after their appeals court stint and before clerking at the Court.Is Death Knell for UCITA the Last Word?
The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act meets "fatal" resistance, but it may not be entirely dead yet.View more book results for the query "*"
Bush Surprise: M for Tobacco Suit
From DOJ to HUD, key provisions of the 2003 Bush budget plan.Recipes for "Cooking the Books"
Enron is just an egregious example of the kind of "pro forma accounting" that goes on quite often. When doing M&A work, skepticism is in order; also, know what you buy and buy what you know.Vacancy Talk Again Turns to Thompson
Once again, those who speculate about potential nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court are mentioning the name of Larry Thompson. The time might be right for the former Atlanta federal prosecutor, King & Spalding partner, deputy U.S. attorney general, and current general counsel for food-and-beverage giant PepsiCo Inc.Trending Stories
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