Jurors deliberating on the charges against former Dewey & LeBoeuf executives now have hundreds of pages of documents at their disposal, including dozens of emails that were entered into evidence during the course of the nearly four-month-long trial.

Acting Supreme Court Justice Robert Stolz, who is presiding over the case, read off the numbers of each of the exhibits the jurors requested on Friday morning before Assistant District Attorney Peirce Moser handed over the evidence in the form of three black binders, two of which were about five inches thick. The defense attorneys also gave the jurors a much thinner folder of evidence.

Friday was the second full day of deliberations during the trial of former Dewey & LeBoeuf chair Steven Davis, former executive director Stephen DiCarmine and former chief financial officer Joel Sanders. The three have been accused of orchestrating a scheme to doctor their firm's records in order to paint a more positive financial picture for lenders and investors.