Attorneys in the securities fraud case against former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli finished questions with the prosecution's last planned witness on Tuesday and both sides expect to give their summations on Thursday.

Prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York allege that Shkreli and his attorney, Evan Greebel, a former partner at Katten Muchin Rosenman who provided counsel to Retrophin Inc. and the hedge funds, worked together from 2011 to 2014 to hide Shkreli's majority ownership of Retrophin's shares, referred to as the “Fearnow shares.”

On Monday afternoon and for most of Tuesday, the beginning of the fifth week of the trial, assistant U.S. attorney Jacquelyn Kasulis questioned FBI agent Michael Braconi about Shkreli's emails, a significant portion of which were to and from Greebel, seeming to indicate that the two defendants kept in regular contact.