With a growing number of sexual assault-related Title IX cases throughout the country, New York litigation boutique Nesenoff & Miltenberg, which has a practice representing students accused of misconduct, has its eye on geographic expansion.

In just over two years, Andrew Miltenberg's Title IX and due process practice has gone from a few isolated cases to a practice that provides roughly a third of his firm's annual revenue, by his estimation. Miltenberg said his team—consisting of himself, three other lawyers and a Title IX consultant—has represented students at more than 50 colleges and universities all over the country.

Their clients have faced potential sanctions at the university level for alleged sexual misconduct, or who argued that they were unfairly disciplined for such an incident. Miltenberg estimated that he spends about half his time on those cases, while two of the firm's lawyers and the Title IX consultant dedicate all of their time to the niche practice.