Albany Law School

Albany Law School announced on Wednesday that it is launching a new online LL.M. in Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Law  beginning in January of 2018.

The new online LL.M. is designed for both foreign and domestic lawyers.

Sample classes include: Cybercrime and Digital Evidence; Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Management; Cybersecurity Law and Policy: Public Entities; Cyberspace Law; Global Privacy Law; and Technology, Privacy and the Law.

Candidates are required to earn 24 credits and are encouraged to earn at least three of those credits by engaging in a faculty-supervised research and writing project.

The law school is partnered with the Global Cyber Alliance, a multinational organization formed to confront and mitigate top cyber risks.

Albany Law School

Albany Law School announced on Wednesday that it is launching a new online LL.M. in Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Law  beginning in January of 2018.

The new online LL.M. is designed for both foreign and domestic lawyers.

Sample classes include: Cybercrime and Digital Evidence; Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Management; Cybersecurity Law and Policy: Public Entities; Cyberspace Law; Global Privacy Law; and Technology, Privacy and the Law.

Candidates are required to earn 24 credits and are encouraged to earn at least three of those credits by engaging in a faculty-supervised research and writing project.

The law school is partnered with the Global Cyber Alliance, a multinational organization formed to confront and mitigate top cyber risks.