The New York State Bar Association held its Annual Meeting this week at the New York Hilton Midtown. Here is the Law Journal's coverage of the event. State Bar Association Adopts Domestic Violence, Immigration Positions The measures were adopted by the bar association's House of Delegates Friday during the annual meeting. Chief Judge Lauds New York for Legal Representation of Low-Income People The percentage of low-income New Yorkers whose civil legal needs are now being met has risen to a high of 37 percent, up from 20 percent in 2013, Chief Judge Janet DiFiore said. Questions Over Logistics, Costs of Bail Reform Discussed at Bar Association Panel No panelist, or lawyer asking questions from the audience, took issue with the "mass incarceration"-focused data and notion underlying Gov. Andrew Cuomo's planned legislative proposal to eliminate monetary bail for defendants facing misdemeanor and nonviolent felony charges. NYSBA Panel Seeks Action Informed by History in Mass Incarceration Struggle The panel, hosted by ABA president Hilarie Bass, included representatives from the ACLU and the Innocence Project, as well as the Bronx DA. Cannabis Firms Still See Banking Trouble Despite Growing Legalization, Attorneys Say A growing number of states are moving toward marijuana legalization, but product providers are still having difficulties in banking and finding protection for intellectual property, said speakers and attendees to a cannabis law panel held Tuesday at the New York State Bar Association's annual meeting. From Public Wi-Fi to Encrypted Emails, Panel Probes Security of Lawyer Communications One takeaway from a New York State Bar Association discussion centered around data security in a lawyer's day-to-day-practice and related ethical obligations is the importance of using encrypted communication devices for client information. NYSBA Honors CEO of Hudson Valley Legal Services and Shelia Adbus-Salaam The New York State Bar Association gave out its Diversity Trailblazer awards Monday night. NYSBA Annual Meeting In this Special Report, leaders of the bench and bar discuss the theme of this year's meeting: Connect, Inspire, Learn.
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