Carpenter v. United States Carpente

In the Beginning

th U.S. v. Runyan th th

'Olmstead's' Affirmation

Olmstead v. U.S. th st th Olmstead th

The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness… They conferred against the government, the right to be let alone–the most comprehensive of rights and right most valued by civilized men (at U.S. 478).

 'Katz's' New Standard 

Katz v. U.S. Olmstead Olmstead U.S. v. Miller Smith v. Maryland

'Jones' Lays a Foundation

U.S. v. Jones Carpenter's U.S. v. Knotts Jones Katz Knotts Jones obiter dictum

Then Came 'Carpenter'

Katz Jones Katz Carpenter Riley v. California Riley Carpenter Miller Smith Carpenter Jones Riley Carpenter Miller Smith Carpenter Smith Carpenter Carpenter future law enforcement live, real-time historical Carpenter


Carpenter Stephen Treglia, the founder and first Chief of the Cybercrime Unit at the Nassau County District Attorney's Office, is currently a Cyber & Information Security Consultant in Manhattan.