Thomas A. Dickerson. untimely passing of Justice Thomas A. Dickerson

The foregoing attributes were enhanced by his congenial carriage, a wonderful, friendly smile, and a “clear-speak “way of articulating and conveying his thoughts. Justice Dickerson was a good listener – no doubt a heritage from years of listening to appellate arguments -- and an excellent writer, again, conveying his messages clearly and informatively. Many readers of the Law Journal, New York practitioners ( and beyond ) are well aware of his writing prowess via skilled books and articles on class actions and consumer protection law, and a field he pioneered and dominated in recent years often  referred to as “ Travel Law.” Indeed, in Michael Hoenig's July Complex Litigation column in the Law Journal, he saluted Justice Dickerson's “prodigious writings “regarding travel law as “virtually nonpareil.”

Justice Dickerson's commitment to public service is truly impressive. Not only did he serve as associate justice of the Appellate Division ( 2006- 2017 ), but also , earlier, as Supreme Court justice, Westchester County Court judge, Acting Family Court judge, and Yonkers City Court judge. Likely not so well known -- but not at all surprising -- is his military service as a Green Beret paratrooper with service in Vietnam.

His passing is a great loss.

Herbert Rubin is the name partner at Herzfeld & Rubin.