yearslong legal malpractice suit Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz renewable energy policy long-running malpractice case filed by CVR nominated for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit CVR sued Wachtell 2012 acquisition by Icahn investigation of the company about certain disclosures In an Aug. 1 joint letter a New York-based boutique Icahn, CVR and Environmental Policy

Icahn, formerly a special adviser to Trump, has argued for overhauling an Environmental Protection Agency program that requires refiners to blend biofuels into fossil fuels. Icahn maintains that the program is unfair to merchant refiners such as CVR Refining LP, an affiliate of CVR, which does not have the capacity to blend biofuels and must buy RINs from rivals that do, according to news reports.

Last year, eight U.S. senators reportedly called for a federal investigation into whether Icahn violated insider trading laws and engaged in market manipulation. The legislators suggested that CVR, thanks to its politically connected benefactor, timed its buying and selling of credits based on information that Icahn had about coming policy changes.

According to press reports citing SEC disclosures, Icahn was subpoenaed by Southern District prosecutors over his role advising Trump on the federal biofuels program.

failed take over of Lions Gate was once represented by Wachtell 'A form of harassment' which was revived glimpse into Wachtell's mysterious billing structure