New York law professors who joined more than 2,000 others nationwide in urging the Senate to vote against Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation say the allegations against him weren't their only reason.

“I was honestly shocked by Judge Kavanaugh's conduct at the Sept. 27 hearing. Checking your emotions at the door is a basic part of being a good judge. He is frustrated and feels targeted for partisan reasons. It may be only human to have such thoughts. But a judge does not say the things he did, and absolutely not in a prepared statement. A person who cannot stop to think things over—he had more than ample time!—and express himself professionally is not fit for the job he currently holds, let alone the one he seeks.” —James Grimmelmann, Cornell Law School

“Like many others, I am extremely concerned about what Judge Kavanaugh's elevation to the Supreme Court would likely to do to the legitimacy and authority of the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh's appearance before the Senate was disqualifying in terms of judicial temperament and now raises questions surrounding the legitimacy of the judiciary to all parties and nonparties, raises genuine issues about his need to recuse from many legal disputes, and reflected a complete lack of decorum.” —Susan Strum, Columbia Law School