Charles J. Hynes in his office in 2013. (Photo: Rick Kopstein/NYLJ)

Sixty years ago, this month, Joe Hynes and I met as we together started at St, John's Law School, then located at 96 Schermerhorn St., the downtown Brooklyn campus. He introduced himself to me and assured me he would show me around. And did he ever for years to come! The start of that enduring and beautiful friendship spanning six decades crisscrossed our careers and our families with respective appearances in one another's wedding parties and God-parenthood roles, and precious good and tough times shared.

Our last lunch together at Kennedy's in Breezy Point last August was hilarious. Our long-suffering wives, Patricia and Mary, decided to sit at a separate table so they could enjoy their conversations without having to listen to the stories both had endured for well over 50 years. About every 15 minutes, Joe called over from our table to ask if they were talking about us. They gleefully replied “no chance,” to which Joe said something like “I don't believe you!” The restaurant wait staff were amused by robust laughter throughout the unusually situated lunch.

On the serious side, I concur in the many accolades for Joe Hynes' varied professional accomplishments and want to add a grateful word of praise also for his less well-known complementary academic services to thousands of well-instructed students in trial advocacy. He taught for decades at St. John's and also at Fordham and Brooklyn Law schools on Saturdays and nights. What a rich legacy among the many students who continue to serve as lawyers and public service officers, thanks to his fine example and teaching skills!

So, thanks and fare thee well, dear devoted public servant and funny friend, Joe, may the Good Lord whom you trusted now grant you well-deserved and peaceful rest.

Joseph Bellacosa is a retired judge who served on the Court of Appeals.

Read More:

Charles 'Joe' Hynes, Longtime Brooklyn District Attorney, Dies at 83