Photo: Ajeet Tewari

On March 5, the South Asian Bar Association of New York (SABANY) hosted “Pathways to the Bench: An Informal Conversation with Judges of South Asian Heritage,” featuring Judges Deepa Ambekar, Shahabuddeen Ally, Sanket Bulsara, Ushir Pandit-Durant, Karen Gopee, Raja Rajeswari, and Justice Anil Singh. The event took place at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson.

Posing for a photo, from left, were: Parth Jain, Poonam Sethi, Ryan Budhu, Judge Gopee, Judge Bulsara, Janice Mac Avoy, Justice Pandit-Durant, Judge Rajeswari, Anju Malhotra, Judge Ambekar, Justice Singh, Judge Ally, Austin D'Souza and Amit Kumar.