President Donald Trump's efforts to slow, if not defeat, multiple U.S. House of Representative probes in federal court faced another setback Wednesday in Manhattan, where U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos of the Southern District of New York declined to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Deutsche Bank and Capital One from responding to congressional subpoenas.

Read the opinion:


Reading his opinion from the bench, Ramos said that while the subpoenas issued to the banks from the Democrat-controlled House intelligence services were “undeniably broad,” they were also “clearly pertinent” to the “facially legitimate” investigations the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled is in Congress' purview “over and over again.”

“Put simply, the power of Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process,” Ramos said.

Ultimately, Ramos said, the Trump family and businesses were “highly unlikely” to succeed on the Constitutional claims before the court.