Miami lawyer Kristen Corpion is a Big Law refugee who chafed in the traditional law firm environment. A 2013 UC-Berkeley School of Law graduate, Corpion launched her own firm two years ago and runs a networking organization for attorneys who don't want to be treated like “lawyer robots.”

Mark Zauderer, a name partner in New York's Ganfer, Shore, Leeds & Zauderer, entered a very different legal profession when he graduated from New York University School of Law in 1971. The job wasn't cushy and long hours were expected. But the law felt like a profession and hard work seemed to be the path to partnership.

On this Legal Speak podcast, Corpion and Zauderer talk with reporter Dylan Jackson about why attorneys of their generations sometimes have difficulty seeing eye to eye. It's a frank conversation spanning law firm culture, billable hours, work-life balance, and generational expectations.

Listen to the podcast above or subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or Libsyn.

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