Isabel Fernández de la Cuesta Isabel Fernández de la Cuesta

Practice Profile: Isabel Fernández de la Cuesta has made a mark in the field of international arbitration, helping build King & Spalding's practice into one of the world's preeminent international arbitration practices and earning key wins for clients along the way. With over 14 years of experience representing clients on complex international disputes, both commercial and under bilateral investment treaties, she focuses primarily on the energy sector, and on disputes involving projects in Latin America and Africa.

She has played key roles in many of King & Spalding's most high-profile, high-value matters, including some of the largest arbitration awards ever rendered. In the past year, these successes have included: Securing a landmark $2.2 billion award for Spanish gas company Unión Fenosa Gas against Egypt—one of the largest awards ever rendered by an International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes tribunal; and securing total victory in Chevron's highly-publicized $9.5 billion international arbitration against the government of Ecuador.  

Leadership, Pro Bono and Civic Work:

Chair of the Translation Committee of the International Center for Dispute Resolution

Member of the Global Advisory Board of the Young & International Group of the International Center for Dispute Resolution

Member of the Feminism Committee of the International Law Association

Member of the International Law Committee of the NY City Bar Association. 

Prior Experience:

Counsel, King & Spalding, 2015-present; associate, 2005-2015


Master in Corporate Law, Instituto de Empresa Madrid, Spain

J.D., Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

J.D., Sorbonne University, Paris I, France

What advice would you give to young lawyers?

Your legal career is a marathon that only ends the day you retire. Stay humble; work hard for everyone—whether a senior partner or not; constantly improve your writing skills; seize every oral advocacy opportunity; and make sure to keep a healthy work-life balance.