Mallory Brennan Mallory Brennan

Practice Profile: Mallory Brennan has extensive experience representing corporations in M&A litigation on both the buy-side and sell-side, as well as advising financial institutions in connection with pre- and post-closing shareholder class actions, blown deals, post-closing transactional disputes and regulatory inquiries. She also frequently defends companies and financial institutions in securities litigation, including claims brought under §§11, 12 and 20 of the Securities Act and §§10(b), 14, 15 and 17 of the Exchange Act, as well as in antitrust litigation. Ms. Brennan additionally advises on internal and regulatory investigations, including with respect to FCPA and insider trading matters.

Leadership, Pro Bono and Civic Work: Ms. Brennan is also active in pro bono work, including among other matters recent collaborations with (1) The Legal Aid Society on behalf of domestic violence victims applying for U-Visa adjustment of status, and (2) Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts on behalf of an artist whose intellectual property was stolen by a former employer.


J.D., Seton Hall University School of Law, magna cum laude, Order of the Coif B.S. (with honors), B.A., Millsaps College

What advice would you give to young lawyers? Do not wait for opportunities to come to you—this is your career, so pursue what you want for yourself.