Businessman And Businesswoman Meeting In Modern Office By Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock Photo: Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock

Anti-Fraternization Policies Globally and the Impact of #MeToo

Implementing a one-size-fits-all approach to global policies generally is shortsighted and a more nuanced approach is preferable.

Equal Theories of Liability? Pay Disparity Claims Under the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

While the narrower goal of the EPA is reflected in the broader goals of Title VII, the proofs and defenses for each intersect and diverge by equal measure, demanding forethought and agility in litigation.

Practical Guidance for Complying With NY's Prohibition on Hair and Religious Garb Discrimination

Employers should be proactive in creating a workplace environment that does not treat individuals differently because of their hairstyle or religious garb.

The Room Where Mediation Happens: 2020 Insights for a Successful Employment Dispute Resolution

Following are some insights to help your mediations in 2020 be successful, regardless of the party you represent.

When a Portfolio Company Fails: WARN and Upstream Liability Risk for Private Equity Funds and Sponsors

In a WARN situation, there is always a company in financial difficulty, and plaintiffs seeking damages under the Act have become increasingly aggressive in seeking an entity with greater asset liquidity than what the failed company has to offer.