data security lock Photo illustration: Monika Kozak/ALM, Shutterstock

A Silver Lining for New York's Former Assembly Speaker

Because evidence pertaining to certain counts failed to establish that Silver undertook official action on a specific question or matter, Silver's conviction on those counts was reversed.

Best Practices for Responding to Subpoenas That Conflict With Foreign Data Privacy Laws

Companies who do business in the United States and have documents located abroad must understand the potential conflicts between the broad extraterritorial discovery authorized by U.S. courts, and the major restrictions on the transferring of personal data in many foreign countries.

Compliance and Ethics Programs: The First Line of Defense for Public Companies

In the wake of increased guidance from regulators, companies should expect much less sympathy when they fail to implement programs and policies according to that guidance.

When Breaching a Contract Is More Than Just Breaking a Promise: Contours of Fraud Cases Affected by the Second Circuit's 'Countrywide' Decision

In the wake of 'Countrywide', courts in the Second Circuit have had to grapple with the scope and application of the holding in criminal and civil fraud cases. Does it provide a possible defense for white-collar defendants alleged to have defrauded their counterparties? Or is it limited to its facts?