Worldwide, COVID-19 has infected millions of people, impacted billions, and caused over 80,000 deaths in the United States. Many parts of the global economy are on quicksand. Following state or local "stay-at-home" orders, most of us have retreated into our homes. School-aged children are among those shut in. The means used to provide education to most children from preschool through high school has been transformed, practically overnight. The children are vital players in the unanticipated and speedy transition to mandatory distance education. How has the concept of "educational neglect" been transformed? In practical terms, has the definition of "educational neglect" been redefined? And, perhaps more importantly, should it?

Educational neglect is generally defined as the failure of a parent or guardian to: enroll a child of mandatory school age in school; provide suitable homeschooling; or support necessary special educational instruction and services.