Unconscious bias. Conscious bias. Subconscious bias. Semi-conscious bias. Institutional and systemic racism and sexism. Diversity. Inflection points. A dizzying recitation of every fashionable buzzword. This is now what passes for scholarly writing in our most "prestigious" legal daily newspaper. ["A Real Leap Forward: Can Collaboration Platforms Replace Conference Rooms, Coffee Machines, and Institutional Racism?" appeared in the Dec. 16 print edition of the Law Journal.]

My eyes were glazed over trying to read this, much less understand it.  It's dizzying. I do know that the authors can't even get simple facts straight. They cite the "murder" of Michael Brown as the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement. A ten second google/wikipedia search would reveal that a grand jury declined to indict the police officer, and multiple investigations found the police officer's actions to be in self-defense. So much for the credibility of this article. Frankly, I still expect better from the New York Law Journal, although I am confident that it won't be forthcoming. In the same issue of the Law Journal we are informed that the Governor has banned the sale of "offensive" flags on state property. Will we see an article in the Law Journal lamenting the further erosion of the First Amendment? Unlikely. Our decline continues!