Therefore the "30-day rule" lives to fight another day, but great care should be exercised in determining precisely when the 30-day clock begins ticking.

As both the number and type of New York businesses in the legalized cannabis industry continue to grow, their need for insurance coverage will only expand.

Because SPACs present novel issues, we expect both plaintiff's lawyers and insurance companies to take some creative positions not always helpful to D&O policyholders.

Protecting a business, large or small, from the fallout of a global crisis can mean the difference between keeping the doors open and shutting them for good.

Businesses forced to shut-down to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 are turning to their business interruption policies to recover losses. These claims are routinely denied given that the policy requires some sort of physical loss or damage before coverage will trigger. Various states have introduced legislation seeking to protect insureds from these coverage denials.