Two People TalkingBuzzwords are words or phrases that seemingly are very meaningful but in truth are open to great interpretation. While politicians are probably best known for their overuse of buzzwords, legislators, courts, attorneys and policymakers must also plead guilty. In the world of child welfare law, three of the best-known culprits are "best interest of the child," "neglect," and "Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)."

Depending on the situation, "best interest of the child" usually refers to taking into account a number of factors. To name just a few:

  • The child's current housing arrangement;
  • The presence or availability of drugs and alcohol;
  • The mental stability of the child's caretakers;
  • Whether there is a history of domestic or child abuse;
  • The financial stability of the caretakers;
  • The caretakers' plans for the child now and in the future;
  • The unique health, mental health and education needs of the child.

The website acknowledges the inexactness of the "best interest" phrase: "When there is a court case that affects a child, like custody, parental rights, or adoption, the court will consider the "best interest" of the child when making its decision. There is no standard definition of "best interest" of the child. In general, it refers to the factors that the judge considers when deciding what will best serve the child and who is best suited to take care of the child. In New York, the "child's health and safety shall be the paramount concerns" when making a decision."

Regarding "neglect," New York Consolidated Laws, Social Services Law-SOS §371, states that "Neglected child" means a child less than 18 years of age: