What are some of your proudest recent achievements? I serve as Global Co-Chair of Skadden's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (DEI) with my colleagues Stephen Robinson and Brian Breheny, and I'm most proud of the firm's DEI efforts over the last year. Skadden has always had a strong culture that supports lawyers from all backgrounds but George Floyd's killing and the protests that followed provided a new sense of purpose and inspired us to do even more. Since the summer, we've meet weekly or biweekly with the leaders of Skadden's DEI teams in our offices around the globe to discuss issues, advance our support of the professional development and growth of our underrepresented minority attorneys and professional staff, and educate our colleagues on issues of race and social justice. Under the guidance of our amazing leader, Melique Jones, we are sponsoring thought-provoking discussions with DEI leaders beyond Skadden that help us both to celebrate our firm's incredible diversity and to raise our professionals' awareness of the challenges and inequities faced by some of our colleagues. Our ability to share these important exchanges across offices and in real time through remote technology has provided a new sense of our truly being "one firm," a "silver lining" if one could be found in this very challenging time resulting from COVID-19.