What are some of your proudest achievements from the past year? I created, designed and ran through the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) and Hofstra University's Law School and School of Engineering a virtual Innovation Tournament for New York state law students. The mission of the Tournament was for law students to: (1) design computer "applications" that would seek to help the unrepresented in solving their everyday legal problems without the need for an attorney, and (2) create "apps" that would seek to improve virtual dispute resolution processes. Law student teams worked virtually to design the "apps" with over 30 dispute resolution practitioners and access to justice professionals, as well as over 20 computer scientists from Hofstra, in breakout rooms over Zoom. One winning "app" seeks to match unrepresented litigants with attorneys who can help them with their legal problems and the other "app" seeks to assist unrepresented with paying their bills and dealing with debt collectors. Now the students are working with Hofstra's computer scientists to bring those "apps" to life so they can be marketed. But most importantly, it is this type of innovative thinking that the future generation of lawyers needs.