Serious times involving serious health risks bring about serious issues when children of a marriage are perceived by the courts to be endangered by the attitudes of a parent that oftentimes defy common sense, empirical data and the recommendations of governmental agencies invested with the obligation of informing and protecting the public at large. A headline in the Los Angeles Times of Jan. 18, 2022, blares out a warning in question form: Coronavirus Today: No vaccine, no custody? That newspaper's science and medicine editor, Karen Kaplan, concentrated her article, in part, on published court decisions throughout our country which have focused on the risks to children where one parent refuses to become vaccinated against COVID-19 and the other parent is vaccinated, as well as on questions of whether one parent may cause a child to be vaccinated over the objections of the other parent. See also Catherine E. Shoichet, How COVID is making divorce cases more complicated, CNN (Jan. 30, 2022).