Annual meetings have "evolved" since the onset of COVID. During 2020, some boards postponed their meetings, some held their meetings via an electronic platform. But by 2021, almost all had annual meetings and the remote option seems to have been a success. Indeed, buildings which could not get a quorum for years have now been able to have enough people attend—when people were told they could simply dial in from wherever they happened to be on the date of the meeting, they often did.

The Business Corporation Law, applicable to cooperatives, had previously been amended to allow meetings to take place via electronic platform, although the initial amendment to the law had an expiration date. That change has now been made permanent. BCL Section 602. A bill is pending which would allow the same in condominiums (S7278-A/22; A8185-A/22), although many condominiums held virtual meetings, particularly when there was really no alternative given health and safety concerns and governmental limits on gatherings.