There's a drastically new protest ritual underway. Of course, protest has been as American as apple pie since the dawn of the Republic. No disagreement there from "decent" people. How better for the public to vibrantly exercise its First Amendment right to convey its views to potentially recalcitrant executives or legislators? Strident protesters, even better—especially if the president is at the White House, or the Congress is in session at the Capitol. Let them know exactly your feelings, en masse! It's America!

Unquestionably, mass protest is far more telegenic than jamming inboxes, mailboxes, or phone lines of the object public officials. Indeed, the whole purpose of protest, typically, is to move thinking and motivate official action consistent with that thinking. They're popularly elected, after all, and it's an important obligation of elected officials to listen to their constituents. To embrace '60s phraseology: Right on!