What are some of your proudest recent achievements? Creating and launching the When There Are Nine Scholarship Project is my proudest achievement over the past year. In addition to launching the Scholarship Project and selecting our first cohort of Scholars, working collaboratively with so many SDNY alumnae to propel the Project forward and being able to help women in law school was also incredibly fulfilling.

Name a lawyer or mentor whose leadership inspired you? As an attorney just starting in my career, the ability to work at Morvillo, Abramowitz and learn from some of the greatest attorneys in white-collar criminal defense—such as Bob Morvillo, Elkan Abramowitz and others—was such a gift. Substantively, I could not have learned more, and my time there provided me with the experience and confidence I needed to apply to the Southern District of New York U.S. Attorney's Office. Professionally, each of the partners at Morvillo, Abramowitz had his or her own leadership style, which was also a tremendous gift. Through experiencing each of those styles and voices, I was able to figure out what worked for me and become my own lawyer, which each encouraged and championed me to do. It is not possible for me to name only one mentor from Morvillo, Abramowitz, as each had a profound impact on my career development.