Price of TechnologyTechnological advancements continue to drive digital transformation within the legal industry, presenting exciting marketing opportunities for law firms. And as we reflect on the past couple of years and look toward 2023, it is clear the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this shift toward enhanced digitization, necessitating attorneys and their marketing counterparts to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) strategies, emerging MarTech, online reputation management and omnichannel marketing.

Amid the seismic shift of law firms joining the digital revolution, five key trends are emerging that will help shape how clients interact with firms and determine who their representation will be in the coming year. To manage this transition and stay ahead of their peers in an increasingly competitive digital landscape, law firms must adjust their marketing approaches.

An Emphasis on AI-Powered Marketing

In today's dynamic landscape, providing a unified customer experience across all channels is critical. The modern consumer expects a seamless and consistent omnichannel experience across different delivery channels—online, in-person or mobile. Omnichannel solutions offer clients convenience and personalization in legal services, from online publication of case results to personalized messages on mobile apps.