The Republic's founders had the great foresight to create our tripartite form of government with its checks and balances. It is a system that affords many opportunities for our government branches to work both individually and in partnership. As we move forward, and as the 2023 Law Day theme serves to remind us, some of our greatest accomplishments and successes in societal progress and reforms have been achieved through civil discourse and the collaboration of our three co-equal branches of government.

Look at how successfully we have worked together in the past. Centralized Arraignment Parts met the mandates of our State and Federal Constitutions in bringing the accused to their first court appearance in a timely fashion. The three branches also came together to address past injustices and implement changes to safeguards against wrongful convictions. These are just a couple of examples of how the executive, legislative, and judicial branches have effectively collaborated to improve the administration of justice in New York state and the quality of life for New Yorkers. New Yorkers have a right to a government that prioritizes and advocates for their wellbeing. To that end, there is arguably no greater singular focus than the mental health of New Yorkers.