Mechanic’s Lien—Willful Exaggeration Improper—‘Side Deal’ Between Contractor and Tenant To Fraudulently Extract Tenant Improvement Money From Building Owner—Lien Declared To Be Null and Void—Record Presented ‘As Clear a Case for Application of the Unclean Hands, Equitable Estoppel, and Willful Exaggeration Defenses as Can Be Imagined’—Contractor Argued That Submitting False Lien Waivers Was Accepted ‘Industry Practice’—Actions To Enforce Liens Are Equitable In Nature and Subject to Equitable Defenses—Contractor Made “False, Sworn Statements”

Defendants “A” and “B” moved for a summary judgment: (i) dismissing plaintiff’s cause of action for foreclosure of a mechanic’s lien (lien); (ii) granting their affirmative defense and a counterclaim for willful exaggeration of the lien; and (iii) granting their affirmative defenses of unclean hands and equitable estoppel.