Divorce can be an emotional and complex undertaking. It is not unusual for prospective divorce clients to come to us with misconceptions about the process fueled by incorrect information and half-truths that may be provided by family and friends, questionable internet sources, and even television shows. These misconceptions, if not debunked, can result in unrealistic expectations as to the case outcome and disappointment if not realized.

Here are six of the most common misconceptions we see.

1. All Property is Subject to Division in Divorce. Many divorce clients believe that titling property in one spouse's name or the other's makes that asset separate property. Some even make a conscious effort during the marriage to keep certain property separate by placing funds in a bank account or brokerage account owned by one spouse or by titling vehicles separately. Others operate under the belief that everything acquired during the marriage is part of the proverbial "pot" and subject to division if there should ever be a divorce. Neither is true.