What are your proudest accomplishments in the area of diversity and inclusion in law? The Yale Launchpad Scholars Program certainly counts among my proudest achievements. This program has inspired other law schools and firms to launch pre-law pipeline programs, which removes barriers to the legal industry at large. Blazing a trail for expanded access to the legal profession, especially among underrepresented students, means a lot.

The other accomplishment that stands out occurred when I began my tenure as Office Managing Partner (OMP) in New York, and recognized a need to increase the representation of underrepresented candidates in our summer associate classes. Working with our Recruiting Director, achieving equity among our incoming summer classes became one of my top priorities. Since then, the percentage of New York summer associates who are female and/or as a member of a racial or ethnic minority has doubled, even as our class size has grown twofold. This year, 60% of our New York summer associates are female, and 64% identify as racial or ethnic minorities. I'm proud to have spearheaded change by creating a more inclusive environment for the next generation of lawyers, and consider it one of my biggest achievements while OMP.