Greetings from the Elder Law and Special Needs Section of the New York State Bar Association. As elder law attorneys, the counsel and range of services we provide to our clients is vast. We advise our elderly and disabled clients and their families on guardianship matters, advance directives, public benefits, asset protection, end-of-life care, health care issues and special needs planning. We advise the courts on the best interests of alleged incapacitated persons, advocate for our clients' right to remain at home, and promote the least restrictive form of intervention standard to help them live as independently as possible.

Our section has a current roster of 2,327 members, a robust executive committee of 84 selected attorneys, and 24 special committees. We monitor, report and weigh in on pending legislation and issues. This year, 11 of our executive committee section members have seats on Governor Kathy Hochul's Master Plan on Aging, enabling us to further contribute to the roadmap for resolving some of the issues that confront our seniors and persons with special needs.