As most New Yorkers now know, on April 20, 2024 the Good Cause Eviction Law (GCE) was signed into law as part of the 2024-2025 New York State budget legislation. GCE is codified in the new Article 6-A of the New York State Real Property Law (“RPL”) and took effect immediately.

Anthony J. Virga, member at Rosenberg & Estis. Courtesy Photo

At its core, GCE limits unreasonable rent increases for units that are not already subject to rent regulation, ensures that existing tenants of unregulated apartments are offered renewal leases, and curbs the eviction of free-market tenants except if the owner has “good cause.” This article will explore the origins of GCE and explain its key components.

The Backdrop for GCE

Gary Rosenberg, founding member of Rosenberg & Estis. Courtesy Photo