What are your proudest accomplishments in the area of diversity and inclusion in the law?

In 2022, as one of the co–summer associate hiring partners, I facilitated the outreach effort that increased the representation of diverse participants in Barclay Damon's Summer Associate Program. I connected with law school affinity groups and had meaningful conversations with DEI officers, career services offices, deans, and other administrators at more than two dozen law schools. My outreach focused on advertising Barclay Damon's Summer Associate Program to a broader audience and expanding the pool of potential applicants. This outreach was a critical component of our goal to reach more diverse applicants and to raise Barclay Damon's profile as a desired destination for a summer associateship. As diversity partner, working with the recruitment team, I continue to maintain the relationships established in 2022 and create new relationships with law schools to make Barclay Damon's Summer Associate Program equitable. I'm incredibly proud of our summer associate pipeline, which resulted in a 2022 class that was 60 percent women and 33 percent diverse; a 2023 class that was 53 percent women and 67 percent diverse; and a 2024 class that is 73 percent women and 67 percent diverse.