The court observed that notwithstanding “21st century technological advances,” it has been “confronted on various occasions with documents submitted on motions which could use the assistance of a Champollion to decipher.” The court explained that Jean-Francois Champollion (1790/1832) was a “younger contemporary of Napoleon Bonaparte” and a “French Philologist and Egyptologist credited with having deciphered ancient hieroglyphics through translation of the Rosetta Stone.”

This decision involves a dispute as to who owns certain property (property). The plaintiffs alleged that by a deed dated Nov. 27, 1982, a non-party “A” purchased the property; “the deed embodying the transfer to (“A”) was recorded on December 16, 1982.” The defendants “A” and “B” maintained a “non-marital relationship.” The plaintiffs, children of “B,” “while not being an issue of (“A”), maintained a close relationship with the latter.”