In July 2019, shortly after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), I wrote in an op-ed, “The champagne corks are still popping. But the realization is dawning that implementing the new law will be really, really hard. New York is boldly going where no state has gone before … It will take a great deal of sweat and treasure (no one knows just how much), as well as a continuation of the political will that brought us to this point.”

We still do not know how much sweat and treasure will be required, but sadly it appears that the political will may be faltering. Gov. Kathy Hochul has admitted that New York will not meet some of the targets and, in a recent television interview she said, “The costs have gone up so much I now have to say, ‘What is the cost on the typical New York family?’ The goals are still worthy. But we have to think about the collateral damage of these decisions. Either mitigate them or rethink them.”