The House and Senate conferees on H.R. 4173, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (RAFSA), have been reviewing and reconciling differences between the House and Senate versions of RAFSA since early June.1 The conference is based on the Senate version passed May 20. RAFSA covers, among other things, a broad range of issues relating to the financial industry as well as issues relating to publicly traded companies not limited to the financial industry. Within this broad range are, among others, issues concerning so-called systemic risk for our financial system, regulatory supervision, derivatives, hedging, consumer protections, credit rating agencies, corporate governance and executive compensation.

The following discussion is limited to the executive compensation provisions in RAFSA Title IX, Subtitle E. Since passage is expected to be based largely on the Senate version, the following discussion is based on that version (references at the beginning of each part are to the Senate version).

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