“Our concern is that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance is too afraid to try this case.“1
Strong words, indeed, andthey were not the only such aspersions cast by the speaker. Also stated was that 1) the District Attorney “has abandoned an innocent woman and has denied an innocent woman a right to get justice in a rape case…[and] abandoned other women who will be raped in the future or sexually assaulted,”2 2) that Dominique Strauss-Kahn “sat there and nobody had the guts to go up to him and ask if he had committed these acts—Policing 101,”3 and 3) “if the Manhattan district attorney who is elected to protect our mothers, our daughters, our sisters, our wives, and our loved ones, is not going to stand up for them when they’re raped or sexually assaulted, who will?”4 Brutal!
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