I have helped open offices for law firms in London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, and Singapore. I also have first-hand experience opening offices for Major, Lindsey & Africa in Hong Kong and London, taking a strong professional services firm into a new market where it lacks meaning and building it into something that is true to the brand my partners entrusted to me. These experiences have taught me that there are five essential steps in every successful new office opening: strategy, market analysis, a detailed business plan, search or recruitment, and start-up. Each of these has several sub-categories that must be attended to as well. This article will identify the factors to consider before committing to a new office opening. It will also provide a roadmap to follow if you decide to launch your brand in a new market to help ensure you do it justice.
Clarify Strategy and Crunch Numbers
Most law firm partnerships are divided between those who are focused on increasing profitability in the short-term and those who want to build the firm for the next generation. You need to have both—a compelling strategy for the near-term and a carefully-considered long-term plan. In addition, you should have an attractive culture, solid financials, a productive platform and a strong management team. When considering a new office opening, it is crucial to pick a market that has strategic significance to your firm’s overall vision, and that the executive team be committed to making that vision a reality.
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