Hiram Monserrate, a former City Councilman and New York State Senator, was arrested amid considerable fanfare over the Dec. 29, 2008, reportedly brutal assault with a broken glass to the face of his girlfriend, Karla Giraldo, allegedly committed by Monserrate. Giraldo, parenthetically, later retracted her complaint and matched Monserrate’s account, maintaining that the assault was an accident.
The tabloid headlines and stories screeched about Monserrate for weeks on end (“Hiram Monserrate’s Girlfriend Giraldo Claimed He Slashed Her With Glass, Says ER Doc”1; “Assault Trial Looms For Sen. Hiram Monserrate For Gal Glass Glash”2). Talk about a criminal charge that might appall anyone who learned of it—from the person on the street, to the intake person in the district attorney’s office, to the press, to the judge sitting on the bench. One needs a strong-willed lawyer with a backbone to stand up to the outcry over such a case.
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