Elise Bloom and Jacqueline Dorn of Proskauer Rose discuss the common misconception that the First Amendment protects on-the-job political expression for private-sector employees, the exceptions that will protect speech in the workplace and recent cases demonstrating the risks to employers of discrimination claims based on political discussions.

Social Media at Work Raises Issues of Account Ownership

Michael Masri, a partner at Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, and Pedram Tabibi, an associate with the firm, write: The line between online work and personal life – and the content each generates – is increasingly blurring. Employees spend time on social media platforms at work while also promoting themselves and their companies via social media. As a result, questions inevitably arise as to who exactly is building a brand, what the brand is, and who owns any customers.

The Employer’s New Choice