Over the next century, our bilateral relationship with China will be the most consequential the United States will have to manage. Since 1991, Henry Paulson has made over 100 trips to China and made the country a centerpiece of his distinguished career in business (CEO of Goldman Sachs & Co.) and government (Secretary of the Treasury). In his new book, Paulson describes China’s recent rise to global supremacy and the challenges that lie ahead. Foremost amongst these challenges are reform to the legal and capital market systems. The book is must reading for anyone who is interested in the United States’ “pivot to Asia.”

Paulson was educated at Dartmouth College and Harvard Business School. After a stint in the Richard Nixon administration, he joined Goldman, Sachs & Co. in 1974. Upon becoming co-head of Investment Banking at Goldman, Paulson made his first trip to China in early 1991.

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