There is no lawyer more schooled and respected in the field of New York Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist coverage than Jonathan Dachs. Mr. Dachs offers a scholarly and practical treatise dedicated to two other brilliant lawyers, his late grandfather, New York Law School professor Louis E. Schwartz (author of the eight volume work, “Trial of Automobile Accident Cases”), and his late father and law partner, Norman H. Dachs, with whom he co-authored the Insurance Law column in the New York Law Journal for many years.
Dachs shares his exhaustive knowledge of both the academic and practitioner’s side of this highly specialized area of practice, giving common-sense direction to those who may wander in its midst. He has produced the first, comprehensive handbook in the New York UM/UIM field. His treatise provides an historical overview, both legislative and regulatory, of the mandatory uninsured motorist scheme, with a needed focus on terms too often overlooked and misunderstood by lawyers, claims professionals and judges alike. From a discussion of the nuances between “automobile” and “motor vehicle,” to a refined analysis of what constitutes an “uninsured motor vehicle,” Dachs provides his readers with a comprehensive array and analysis of the development of case law in the area.
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