After a series of shootings of unarmed black men nationwide by police that failed to result in an indictment, much less a conviction, a Brooklyn jury on Feb. 11 found that New York City Police Officer Peter Liang was criminally reckless when he fired a single shot from the top of a pitch-black stairwell that ricocheted into Akai Gurley’s heart. Liang was convicted of manslaughter as well as official misconduct for not giving CPR to Gurley as the 28-year-old lay dying on the stair landing.
Liang faced a maximum of 5 to 15 years in prison, but the Chinese-American community rallied to his support. Protestors held signs with Liang’s picture and the words “Tragedy NOT Crime” and said the rookie cop was being made a scapegoat for acts of police brutality largely committed by whites.
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