You have worked months or even years to establish a personal relationship with a potential client. You have earned a position at the table to pitch the potential client for new work. You have studied the potential client’s business and the client’s competitive landscape. You have invested days of non-billable time pursuing the new business, and now you have landed the business.
On a regular basis, a new client comes to your firm through interactions with one or more firm attorneys. Either the client seeks out the firm due to a particular attorney’s expertise, or your firm has sought out the client through a pitch that involves one or more experts at the firm who can address a particular issue facing the client. While either of these may be the genesis of the client relationship, the lifespan of the client with the firm depends heavily upon the breadth and depth of the relationships developed over time between the client and the attorneys of the firm. The client relationship partner can have a significant role in establishing those relationships and building strong ties between the client and the firm.
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